he said if he could have bought the stuff himself he would have been even happier, but that's whatt's all about is really understanding the medium, and if you understand the medium, you can better express your ideas through it. >> sales at the stand are pretty brisk, and whatever doesn't sell is donated to local food banks. meanwhile back at the institute, classes start around 8:00, and karl diehn, now in his traditional chef's uniform, is cooking some of those squash blossoms he harvested about two hours ago, using them in a mussel and prawn dish. the meal is visually stunning and will be served at the institute's wine spectator greystone restaurant. >> it takes a tremendous amount of energy and strength, not just physical strength but also emotional strength, to maintain the kind of hours and lifestyle of a chef, and i often wondered to myself as i was getting older was, like, "well, what am i going to do? what am i going too?" and i was very fortunate to be able to come here to the cia and teach. i've been here for 11 years. i've had my time inhe sun, as it were, and now it's time