the colts are heaaed to m aad agaii...find out whattterrell 3&((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 3 & tax hikeooming...the agency - that would sppnd ttaa money is under thh microscope.a ecent highway agency for bad spending our over ssory.... jeff bbrnd tells us abbot "roadd... paved with gold".. 20022:25"there's no oversight, of the taxpayerr hands and they've enriched themselves." 20:22;25whee rush hour traffic motorists look to these signs tt avoid delaysswhich is why the state approved a $500,000 contract in 2000 to iiprove system. but not all he moneyywent where it was intendee..9:50044"they found a ccnnract or $500,000 that wasn't being used"instead a big chuncc of the cashhwas spent on food. more preciselya&.paying an outisde consultant o check on the operating hours of faat food 19:52:13"it's used for emergency messageeboards ann things like that, and here we pay someone to go ouu and find out if fast food places re open."19:52:25all to insure hungry ddivers get big acs movinggmoney from oneejob to anotherrwithout proper approval that may seem like shuffling.but act