we have also estimate whatwe hal city costs and we have worked with the fire department, muni, etc.. there is a cushion of $7 million, $8 million to the general fund beyond just the property tax revenue. >> if i understand this correctly, currently the property tax margin is 8.8. payroll tax and etc., we are expecting $20 million in revenue from that with $40 million incurred in expenses against that. >> correct. there are police officers there nell, so this will be an additional cost to the city, using today as the baseline. >> given a scenario where we might see finance is not coming out the way that you expect, what are the options for reevaluating the investments? >> we have a fairly large cushion of seven or $7 million to protect against that. to your second point on the infrastructure improvements, when the developer makes those initial improvements, they will be paying for them with the anticipation of future property- tax revenue. they will issue bonds to basically buy back those improvements. the streets, the sewer lines, the water lines, etc.. really, they bear the risk on