melissa: whatyore interestedded in, up front about it, trying to collect more revee, and i wonder, yous you want to disdirge. the reason why people are paying less gas tax is because they are using less gas. you are going to punish them for doing the very thing that everyone has been encouraging, be fuel efficient, buy the electric car, they are unished. does tat make sense? >> i'm interested in funding o transportation system. i'm not interested in raising more taxes. our program is revenue neutral. you -- the reality is that it's not only oregon, but every state in the union and the fedel government is challenged with this situation where the federal government mandating through higher cafe standards, hi mileage vehicles. melissa: is can't be true or you wouldn't be doing it. >> caller: it's absolutely true. melissa: you are afraid to lose revenue down the road because of the standards because cars are more and more efficient so there's less revenue; right? >>aller: you cn't get something for nothing. we have to pay for the road systems, and the fuel tax has been over time a very fir