would you tell whause that will do to reduce the future znts and how are you sure this bill will be effective when we still don't know the causes of the oil spill. >> this was on wednesday. >> right. the bill does a variety of things. it makes provisions for the restructuring of the minerals management service which the department of interior has already announced they want to pursue. that is taking the responsibility for safety of offshore drilling activities and putting that in a separate entity away from the part of the government that is worried about leasing and gathering revenues and all of that. that is a substantial step forward. it also contemplates increased requirements on the department of interior to insist upon extensive safety precautions being taken before these leasing plans are approved. or, before these drilling plans are approved. it also ratchets up the penalties on companies that might violate some of the regulations of the department. it puts in place a fee on those who drill to provide the revenue needed to hire the additional inspectors so that we can increase the cap