. >> to be -- >> whayoure. not the best, not everybody else, just to be what you are. >> in other words, you're running against yourself. >> you're running against this model in your head. we have theseaps orearol maps, whatever you want to call it and we don't really know the physiology of it. but when it is matched, when our predictio for the world, when our vision for the world is fulfilled, then we get a surge of pleasure. and this starts with animal life where when a monkey is looking a little juice pellet in his cage, and he expects the juice pellet, then it comes, my expectation is fulfilled. i get a little surge of whatever, of pleasure juice. and so we have models we're anticipation machines. we anticipate. and so we have in our head of who we should be, what we want to be doing and we're chasing that. and when it is fulfilled, u get that surge of pleasure. so for example one of the things i mentioned in the book is people are extremely sensitive when somebody like themselves achieves something great.