our thanks to ryan shultzy from whdh. joining me to talk about this our law enforcement analyst mike brooks. the way we understand it, okay, mom and her husband go to paris for vacation and leave the kid with neighbors. he goes to check on the house. one friend is playing basketball and says, come on, throw a party so four carloads of kids come over, and we believe he knows them. but someone put on facebook there's a party and this alleged home wrecker crew end up talking their way into the house, and we end up with $45,000 in damages, urine all over the place, and blood and what's up with this? the house is sdestroyed, mike. >> law enforcement may need to look at this website because, mike, they are saying, even though there are four arrests, three adults, one juvenile, they are saying, you know, it's not out of the realm of possibility there could be more arrests. if that's part of the investigation, they need to contact facebook, get a subpoena and find out who owns that site. >> here's a great facebook from deborah wr