then the wheatley feasm, where she was living, discovered she was really smart, and the teenagers in the family taught her to read in english and the bible, and then she was so smart she started learning latin and greek like you do every day; right? [laughter] and she started writing poetry, and nobody believed that she is was actually writing the poems because nobody had ever heard of a teenage girl writing such poems, much less a teenage slave girl. she tried to get them published, and no one in massachusetts would publish them, so the got letters from all important men in boston to say, yes, this really is phyllis wheatley. she really did write the poems, and they sent the poems and the letters to england, and there, her poems were publish. she was an international celebrity. everybody knew about her and her poems, and so when george washington got to massachusetts, she wanted to meet this phyllis wheatley person because she's been so blessedded by the news, and sew went to meet with george washington and write a poem for him which she was very pleased to have. the war now really