lehman brothers, whei explaithis to do prick, he gets up at 5:45 a.m.d he is scratching his head he cannot believe, there a hairs all over the place he said you were telling the. [laughte >> making movies with spencer tracy. [laughter] >>n our board of directors. [laughter] it is obvious what they were doing. they were sitting on top of all of this risk, they had a steamroller and a good thing going they wanted as many silence the average age of the bod was 74? they were from a different era, and admiral from the navy. the biggest 10 at south america? i think goi forward if john mack retires the ceo, he should be should have a requirement that he has to me on tha lehman board so you could have financial experts on these boards and that would back them because lehman was $750 billion domino with the most irresponsible board and the world. >> when next question is if they were bailed out by the same? >> that is the problem i have with merrill lynch. it is disgusting. meill lynch w destroyed by kelewis come i am sorry bankamerica was destroyed because ken