we put a few more troops in, does that whein? >> most americans cannot define victory. the white house has not clearly articulated that. eight years in, you have the general and his advisers saying it could be another 10. >> it is true, but we have also had secretary gates saying that we will not abandon them. he said that we are not going to leave afghanistan in the lurch. we did that once after the russian war, and it is a very different situation. it is a very pivotal area to secure. it is just that securing a in a way that we want to secure it will take so long, and i just do not think we have the stomach to do that. >> we have two wars, too. we have the war against the taliban and anacostia -- and al qaeda, but we also have the war against the growth of populism. that is going to go on anyway. >> i'm glad you mentioned that. as you were speaking, i was thinking about this year's harvest, and i do not know how much opium is coming out of that area, but i have a sneaking suspicion it has increased. if so, we are talking about more death and devastation, so you cannot