industry, his five decade-long career has seen him work as chairman of companies as diverse cadbury wherend he oversaw the 11.5 billion takeover by croft. now he holds the same position at bae, one of the biggest defense and aerospace companies in the world. today on "leaders with lacqua," we meet sir roger carr. what will be the most transformational agent of change for your industry in the next five years? sir roger: i think the most significant change is going to be driven by artificial intelligence. i think it is the application of that in the development of capability in particularly aircraft, but not only aircraft, land, sea, and air will also benefit. so the advancement of ai drives change in the capability of the industry. francine: this is artificial intelligence, not augmented reality? or is it both? sir roger: i think it is a combination of all of those things. i think we are taking technology further and further into the capability of all types of aircraft, particularly in both their stealth capability, their ability to detect, to sense difficulty, and to use attacking capabilit