amoy has also founa a new me in the bit tigapuh natiol rk, whershe's noliving i the ld.ll the orangutans in this nature reserve were born in captivity -- each one with its own story. rimbani has s lived in thehe d for ars.s. riright now she'e's coming baco the e center regulularly to shof her young son radja. peteter: when you u observe orantan,n, youften s see behaviors that are ticical of human beingsgs. yoyou can reallyly see that we clososely related.d. eachnimal an indidudual, wiwith aifferent face, a different characteter, and a differenent speed at which thy learn new things. th'r're likene b big fily. reporter: veterinarian andhani hartanti is going to check dora over. not ononly has she b been losg weightht, she's alsoso been hag difffficulties clilimbing -- probablyly because shehe w ina fight t with anotherer orangan d isis injured. andhan abobouthree weeks ago, e of o o staffouound her already on the groun d ththey spect t thadora susuffers something, or a probl. and we knenew that the r rightt has an opepen wound, deeeep enh so we need t to stitch so o then