it refers to slaves as persons whhasdefoom of fousen t meoston a avhane lco's w fnders an pla o a c ward ultat extinctn. othersooked at the provisions as being an obvious compromise in a way that would oer perverse incenves mnt sles ehaor omomo u hthcoin rpti eumie heook tt in order tonderstand the anti slavery tradition the people who said the constitution was antislavery community have tonderane tiip th so t dlaon thnsutn. laraons cal yoveuntaha sa nalht wt eaan that the constitution is framed in order to make the declaration a reality. you have had a lot of revisions recently cald into question. th atse pplnd e en w rllslavery document. not only that some of the ideas in the declaration themselves are subject t dispute wther or not these things ma sense yo romhi l se-ederu a n crdow tirreorf inthrase people call into question. and was a journalist and calls for qck and the 20th century said it well, i think we sa ter mre reelayomet kee h tserutoe ob t a voom iub heredity with very unequal wrongs and no equal rights, something like that. if that is the case, if we really doubt whethr n