mark townsend is a campaigner foo services, whicc reduce the rrsks of druu use, and stop people from ying on the ptreet from infections oo ooerdoses..ii didn't seem to us to be fair that the sentence foo the ssourge of addictiinnin someonees llfe &paddicts nowwhave a unique &presource.located at 119 east hastings strrett is insite, north america's only supervisee injection ceentr, a place to brinn your druus nd use them.ttis unassuming building has blown wide open feel it's a safe hhvenn- opponents see it as condoning crime-- all fuuned by taxpayers at the cost ffthree- million ddllars a year."this room is thh only thousand or so square feet in the whole of norrh aaeriia where ou ccn legallyyinject heroin r cocaine i a safe way. so in this oom there are 12 ooths. addicts from theestreet bring the drugs that they've purchassd in here..they sit in a boothh we rovideeclean equipment, and a nurse siis at observe the addicts usinn, andd to see ii they stop breathing, and start to die, that they spot disinfected s soon as hh - its occupant leavvss"well, before this place as here, &pcrowded