from his brother who knew a stockbroker to go buy the shares of a company called national video, whichpolaroidational video. i had ltv, a rockwell, a host of other companies that have disappeared. i've since, well, let's just say still hanging out in trade i also owned a lot of airline stocks eastern, national, they were household names because of advertising. i liked the stock picking process so much i got the whole 5th grade class involved we would all pick stocks and keep track of the closing prices to see who could make the most money. the problem is of course i was working the exact opposite of what i should have been doing, although metaphorically what i was doing is being done now, just picking stocks by how fast they were climbing and backing away if their climb seemed suspended. that's called momentum investing. what i should have been doing is picking the stocks of companies i knew and asked to be able to buy the shares in them let's go over what would have been right and what was wrong in the picture i just presented, which would have been prepared to goofus and gallon from the high