whichved 22 guys' lives is contradictory to what she was designed to do. nonetheless, it was an impressive mission, so much so that tang gained national recognition. the picture the skipper, o'kane, some of the crew, and there is a picture of o'kane standing up surrounded by the 22 aviators that he and his crew rescued, and make national news. it was a big deal. o'kane had already been in the news before as executive officer under morton, but the tang was getting recognition that most of the time submarines did not get, they were called the silent service for two reasons. one of which is because they are supposed to operate silently and sneak up. two is a lot at the summary veterans say that difficult assignment service because no one ever talked about them. it is true, they were a secret force and by exposing a lot of secrets, they could have and would have cost a lot of meant their lives. ofthe second patrol, instead sinking and taking lives, she rescued 22 american aviators. several of her crew were highly decorated, including one, james milton, he was