there are people like daniel when -- whit kerr who is having trouble to stay where he list. everyone is being impacted by this. it's not just long-term residents. as we have the new in flux of workers, these tech workers are being it impacted. i believe this is not a silver bullet. it reflects what we are as a community. as we are aware for the last few months we have had tenant conventions which couple -- culminated to a citywide convention. this is what what was formed to helped them stay in san francisco. i know there are a number of issues raised and i wanted to note that we have purposely amended this legislation to represent hardship, when you are talking about small time landlords that there has to be a mechanism for them if the relocation cost becomes too burdensome that they can make the case to the rent board which has the option to wave the new requirement and go back to the old formula. i believe that all of us can think of individual cases where maybe hardship would occur and i think that the current law as amended provides an opportunity for people who truly wi