by the way, interesting to think what would have been the reaction had white actor city is to kill black people. to the point, samuel l. jackson disagrees that this is not about people going to movies or video gamesthat have violence in them. does not have anything to do with it. what would you say? >> when we take an individual who is on the table one way or the other end there are millions and millions of people like that in america today. youth theater and the sickest video games and movies jonesboro middle school, virginia tech, now giving a sell as adults in our movie theaters and schools. the mass murders, the "wall street journal" article, the mass murders are skyrocketing across america and across the planet. this is a wordwide phenomenon. there is only one new factor in the equation, all of the old problems are still there, still important. but the new factor is the death and were fed to our children. the sickest movies and this is video games are very, very sick indeed. lou: with you think the odds are , colonel, that president obama, members of his party, a congress in particu