harding was sworn into the ku klux klan in the green room of the white house supreme court justice hugo black had been a klansman he had to leave the ku klux klan in order to sit on the supreme court senator robert byrd who was our oldest living senator here in the united states who passed away just a few years ago he had been a klansman back in the 1940 s. so they come from all walks of life from the 3rd grade dropout to post college degrees but you know it's how you were raised that that lasts with you your entire life so they have this ideology for a long time regardless of how much or how little education they may have had. you said that racists should be given a platform that their ideas need to be challenge in the opening for instance in the wake of their white supremacist attack in new zealand the official response was pretty much to go for censorship so do you think that even the idea is that leads to human deaths shouldn't be censored. i think what happened over there was it was a definitely a tragedy no question and and that guy needs to pay the consequences you know for what he has