white unionist refugees and the surviving records for virginia. we don't know as much about clothing. the only area of the state where i can find any information came from southwest virginia. not a lot of black people living there in the 1860's. the bureau not provide a welfare for the idle. hereafter no destitute rations be issued to any able-bodied man and in such cases he must provide undoubted evidence with destitution. he cannot procure any sort of employment which was underlined or to partially support them. the freedmen's community at yorktown during the summer of 1865, the bureau agent stocked rations to fannie brown and her two-year-old daughter, because fannie wouldn't work. in october 1866 nelson erwin wrote to john scofield, the head of the potomac military district, we gave to the rich white man our best years, our strength, our youth, our sweat. now that we are free we get meanness, tyranny, and injustice. and now instruct the offices of the bureau and let them insist on justice. some of our men are in a state of perpetual terror. if