pal charlotte and mayor ed lee and everyone who is here i just wanted to thank everyone wearing a whitecaprvice i've been in the senate for 22 years i've seen there is a price for freedom and you see it up close and personal and you see it in the faces of our military people who are willing to stand at all to be trained, to take orders and become the most powerful fighting force on architecture san francisco has always been a navy town and i think the fleet week which i was part of bringing back in 1981 have shown that i think to our men and women who are assembled here today who serve in the united states navy and the united states marine corp what i'll find is a welcoming city i hope you enjoy the weekends it's k30i8d important you do if you end up in the who's gallows don't call eyeing otherwise if there's dismissing anything we can do to help we're there i said this morning one of the great surprises and pleasant one was to see the great talent we have in our command force back in washington people like the head of the marine corp general amos no finer brighter poerp person than he tho