. >> whited nike to this question that was started by mr. fortenberry. you have boys the stated in my view that we do need a new regulatory regime to protect the economy from systemic risk. there really to approaches that can be taken in the congress has been making judgment which is the better one to go. one is the supersize regulator or some entity that has the capacity to monitor their risk of these huge financial conglomerates that bring us all with them. that is one approach. the other approach is to take the view that if an institution is too big to fail it is too big to exist. and the virtue of that frankly is that it brings them down to a size where we don't have to depend on the vigilance of regulators being overcome by the influence of the financial industry. so, my question to you is, does it make sense for congress to pursue a policy that says an institution is too big to fail without threat to the economy and is that in fact a big to exist and instead of regulating it we should break it up? >> there to options. one is to allow large banks to