. 0 years slavery 0 years etty muc of j crow, d they ptained t whiteuropeanen. rights vement, d to tnk that l of the centm d inequality would be overcome by a singular movement is at best a wish, at worst it's illogical. narrator: dr. charlie dates is an expert onhe 20th ntury blk church narra and itrole rlie dates in arican history. gardnetaylor, the de r whosname n belgs to the age heaid thatacism la like aleeping coil undeeath theable th whilehe ink w still w on t constition, racism was alive and well breathing through the ink. in order to justify a system that on e one hand says that everybody is created equal anhas these alienae rights, and the samtime youe enaving alof theseeople, up to eighmillion of your n, that requires you to develop certain strategies. and those strategies are animalization, that they're not human, this kind of demonization, that they are human but that something is very wrong with them, or this infantilization which is to say they're human, nothing's really wrong with them, but they're just really not our equals, and that has been at