whitey bulger was the name used. >> i'm from rhode island, i remember it well. and he ran into a formal claim, a full, written, formal claim of executive privilege by president george w. bush at the time. he had no horse in the race. he was just -- his attorney general said this is a tradition and we don't want to give in on it and would you give me the claim of privilege and he said, yeah, i'll give you the claim of privilege, and congressman burton, chairman burton won. he went to the mat. he was willing to go to contempt, and he got the materials. some things were subtracteded from them and the particular things are those that were genuine rule 6e and actual transcripts of the grand jury rather than just things that touched the grand jury or have been asked for for the grand jury or something out there and that was a remarkable example because it was not that many committee chairs senate or house are interested in doing that retrospective oversight, but he did it. >> so if you have any further comments on that subject, i'd love to give you the chance to answe