all right, whitish, anyway, all right? white sun, all right? here's our atmosphere down here. the atmosphere, these tuning forks, blue, blue, blue, blue, violet, violet, blue, blue, red, blue, blue, pink, blue, blue, chartreuse, blue, blue, get the idea? what do you think might happen, let's say, i'm gonna ring all these? [makes noise] --what do you guys hear? blue. blue. you all heard blue. that's right. now, there's a little bit of red in there, yeah, a little bit green in it. but mostly what? blue and violet, and you heard blue, yeah? okay, let's try the sunsets. can i have a volunteer? would you stand right here, put your ear right down here, and i'm going to hit these tuning forks. no, right behind, right behind, i want to go out there. i'm gonna hit these tuning forks. this is the sun, 150,000 kilometers away, and the sunlight gonna come down to the atmosphere- [makes noise] and maydell standing on the ground, and here's the sky between her and the sun, yeah? here we go, gang. we do, by experiment, one of the beauties of science is you do by experiment, huh. you don't ju