able to see that grand vision and really be able to full right levers, you could spend some time whitling down into different options where somebody with that subject matter expertise is an internal stakeholder and owner of the task can help drive decision-making more efficiently which will save time and ultimately costs. the program controls manager. that is one area that we see that phase one was really lacking and that phase two and three really needs and when we say project controls, this is cost estimating, scheduling, how those interrelate to one another and how it relates with the operating model that we have going on while you're under construction for all of these different phases. quality health and safety managers, i have to be honest, walking through, i was shocked at how many people didn't have hard hats on or safety glasses on. that is simple construction. but when looking at the re-opening efficientsers that you are going through right now and some of the others a completely separate issue when it comes to quality control from a fabricating issue. but when you are looking a