whittingham frederick's labrador is training for some very special tasks to get help in emergencies by fetching the diabetes emerged. and seek it with a blood sugar meter insulin and dextrose. or he sounds the alarm if his master's blood sugar levels fluctuate too much. he's trained with a cloth bearing the scent of the patient when they were suffering from low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. life saving dogs for diabetics how does that work. for. fun of people he has to give signals depending on smell that's common it could be a scratching around it could involve ringing of the emergency kit this coming out for it can mean setting off an alarm bell he doesn't have to do much more the important thing is that he can do it on his own he is not us is that stand him out . frederick has type one diabetes the dog has to warn him when he's about to develop hypoglycemia but doesn't work in practice. the last time i haven't heard from yeah he's woke me 3 times when i was alone then he came to me and i checked the level he took something then gave him lots of praise. scientifically however i