>> those three plus for whomd. -- plus ford. i have been in an interview with obama, but i was not the only one. >> what about george bush? >> and bush, not reagan. >> which was -- i do not want to say the best, but who was the easiest to interview? >> carter is very confiding and fast. he talks very quickly. ford wide to be helpful but he was not as strong by the time i interviewed him. i have interfered george bush the most, and he is an excellent interview, and clinton is fun you're a good clinton and bush are the buzz. -- clinton interviews you. >> did you ask -- are the best. >> did you ask george walker bush? >> i cannot argue with his logic. i did ask him for an interview. he has stuck to the current president is serving his silence. he said, i am not ready to step out yet. it takes some time, and he has been disciplined about that. >> back to your job, when did you get it? at time magazine -->> a lot of breaking and pleading. -- begging and pleading. i really wanted to work for term. 0 week is enough time to start to get