. >> hundreds of people at the obama administration officials and lobbyists and no official record whoof. >> the nber of fund-raisers for the president have benefitted hugely from the energy loan program. >> isn't the president opening himself up to a charge of hypocrisy on this? >> a litany of people who have raised so much money who are clearly lobbyistings. >> he can't even made a token effort to keep his campaign promise of openness and transparency, another lie. >> hasn't even made an effort to keep to has promises. i think in this case, that's true. do the voters care? >> they care a lot. we tested that in grand rapids, michigan, which i think will be ground zero for the campaign. they found that number 1; you hear barack obama in his own words. you watched him say it. number 2; clip after clip after clip. number 3; it matters because they expect you, when you are president of the united states, to keep your promises. they assume that people will break promises in the election campaign. but once you get elected, you say what you mean and mean what you say. that's why that ad was so