whoooo? anyway, what sound does an owl make...? whoooo? whoooo? whooo! that's right!the cat! the cat in the hat! ugh...would you by any chance have a glass of cool, refreshing, icy lemonade. we have lemonade. but we don't have any ice. no, ice? that will not do! let's see now... i have rice... and spice... (sniff) achoooo! i even have mice. (happy squeaks) (giggle) hi guys. but to my surprise i have no ice. where can we get some? (gasp) there's plenty of ice in freeze-your-knees-snowland can we go there? - of course. we'll visit polly the polar bear. she knows all about ice. your mother will not mind at all if you do! (laughs) mo-ooom can we go to freeze-your-knees-snowland with the cat and get some ice? freeze-your-knees-snowland ! that sounds cool -- huh, chilly, even! wrap up warm! we will! we can go! we can go! i know! i know! to the thinga-ma-jigger! ♪ are you sure you want to go to freeze-your-knees-snowland? that place is like one big block of ice! and that's why we're going there! buckle up! [honk] ♪ flick the jiggermawhizzer! [boing] [honk] [pop] ♪ isn't this