it was just, like, whoopsie, disco. >> whoopsie disco.hing you want to -- i mean, i think every artist wants to keep growing. you want to challenge yourself, yeah? >> again, the beatles. yeah. well, i think we're always challenging ourselves and we're with also just, like, following the muse, you know, whatever you're listening to and whatever is inspiring to you at the time, you know, sometimes you go ton a trip and you hear, like, a type of music you never heard before and maybe that will, like, find its way into your music or whatever is going on in your personal life, whatever is going on in the world, you know, those things, whatever is making you really feel something in your heart, like that's going to be the best thing to put into your music. >> mason: favorite moment of the last five years of all this craziness? >> you couldn't have just given this question -- >> mason: no, come on. the pinch-me moment. i know you've all had one. >> oh -- yeah, we got to meet president obama and vice president joe biden in the oval office. that w