. >>> welcome back to mosaic, i'm rabbi whyan honored to be your host. we are talking about books, about how an imaginative idea comes to a piece of paper on words, on the internet and joined by david pearlsteen and jennifer. david tell us about your books. >> this is nonfiction, nonisraelites encounters. these are nonisraelite characters that have encounters with god either direct or historically and they run from igar and abraham's concubine and jobe and the other is a novel, slick, a political satire of the middle east and ties in, insofar as the protagonist actually is jewish although he never found that out until he was 40. >> jennifer. >> my book is a memoir and it is it is not fish nor fowl and half poetry and half personnel stories. i am very honored to have been published by cappa press, wonderful cappa press started in 1969 and just relaunching now with my memoir. and my memoir is divided into 7 sections, what i call family or my family of origin, marriage, children, body, faith, outside or the outside world, and work. and there's a prol ogue a