the reason whyis problematic for the administration is -- one is that this action coincided with theitical interests of the obama team, that is to say the action was taken overwhelmingly against conservative groups. the second thing is, that the administration has had trouble telling the truth about it. i mean, as recently as the other day, you had on his way out acting director saying on the hill, arguing with the idea that anyone was targeted, and then, of course, congress had asked for information, which was not forthcoming when the irs higher-ups found out about it, that never -- congress was never told. another case where there's been difficulty telling truth. you put those two together, you've got a combustible mix, of what scandals are made. the same with benghazi as well, coincided with the administration's interest not to have a big deal made out of it in the middle of the campaign, and the administration has had a terrible time telling the truth about it. >> chris: kirsten, irs? >> i agree with brit, the way they're handling it. one of the talking points, the irs talking po