wicked son, or the wicked child, is in a suit of armor. the first time the wicked son was depicted in an illustrated haggadah was in 1526, the prague haggadah, where the wickedhild is depicted in a suit of armor. the first time the ten plagues were illustrated was in the venice haggadah from 1609, and i came up with just illustrating one plague, the last plague, when god slays the first-born of egypt, and the way i depicted that was by having a wing and the mummies of the dead egyptians on the wing. the traditional haggadah text doesn't even mention moses. it's repeatedly said it's god who led the children of israel out of egypt. it wasn't an angel, it wasn't an angel of fire, it wasn't a messenger. it was god and it's a very beautiful passage. the tradition is that all the jewish people were at sinai for the receiving of the torah. so there were the tents of the children of israel, and what i did was to identify them as such i put the flags representing the various tribes. i drew mount sinai as the ten commandments itself. it's also one of my favorite images. the afikomen is part of the middle matzoh that was hidden. it's then needed to complete the seder,