culminating with wickrd v. fillburn, the court has been following that now infamous standard of congress may regulate any and every activity that, when measured in the aggregate, when replicated across every state can be said to substantially affect interstate commerce. well, we as lawyers know that that is just legalees for a very simple concept. congress may regulate any aspect of human existence. and yet, there is not a single point upon which we can be more certain that the founding fathers all agreed that they were not creating a federal government with general police powers. they are not creating an all purpose national government. not one of those men would have signed their name to this document and not one of those states would have ratified the document had they believed that what they were creating, what they were ratifying was anything than a limited purpose national government. [applause] now, i have been told since high school that i need to bury the hatchet when it comes to wicker v. fillburn. my high sch