. >> credits wiese is an 82. i am eyeballing it. it is an odd market. we have really ugly headlines out of ukraine. this is a jobs report week. we have the chairman of market field asset management. the resiliency of equities, he likes gold in a time of geopolitics. america diverges from the world's mediocrity. ukraine is at war. the ruble is weakening. michael, wonderful to have you. how'd you bring that into your mix as you start the week? >> i think it's much more geopolitical than financial. the ruble is something you would keep an i on. it's tied to what's going on in oil more and more. it does have some spillover effects of the places like the turkish economy. >> gold is up. you like gold. is it up like a new gold market? ? i think the bear market hung around for three and a half years and did damage to people. it might be over. gold looks to be back in a genuine bull market. >> these negative yields we are seeing out of europe, what are these consequences of that? >> it makes gold more attractive. the cost of owning it is zero. negative yields th