yesterday.guilty of shooting at the gas station he owned er - back in march of 2010.porter's wifeekaala is accused of masterminding he plot. bishop's attorneys tried to argue that he thought he was helppng a woman whoowas beinn abused by her husbann.but, prosecutors ainted bishop aa a killer and used his own words to prove it.referring o his nickname which he admitted to police.listen in... "what does sck mean, stone cold kiiler, stone cold killer" "he's never been in trouble beeore never been arrested he just got caught up in somthing he shouldn't have been caught in."four others have already been found guilly in the plot. karla porrer is the only person accuued ho still faces trial. assfor bishop... he will learn his ffte today..gian jurors decide between the deatt penalty or liff with out in baltimore county, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a 14 year old girl issraped by &pseeeral men in west baltiomre... and police need your help.. finding he suspectt this morning. happened at the intersection of leslie and school streets around 4-30 sunday fternoon.polic