we also continue to provide the highest funding level ever for the wifia program. this leverages federal funds for water infrastructure projects, and these programs have a direct impact on improving water quality in communities around the country. and then another small category that is not small for the arts and the cultural communities, but again we do right by our smithsonians here in our nation's capital, helping to ensure that the national endowment for arts and humanities receives the level of support that i believe is important. so again, those are some of the greatest hits coming out of the interior appropriations bill this morning. you have heard similar comments from my colleagues in the other three departments, whether it's financial services ag or transportation housing. i look forward again to working with colleagues as we advance these measures through the full process not only here in the senate, but in the conference with the house later. i'd like to close, mr. president, by again expressing my appreciation to my friend and the ranking member of the