retailer is allowed to, the accounting does recognize or they are allowed to recognize that revenues wiggins up being 90% as a gift to your friend and 10% the shareholders of the retailer. now they are people, too, so that's nice. it's probably not the giver had in mind, so my soap box suggestion about gift cards is wouldn't it be nice if retailers were to issue gift cards that after two years the unspent balance is stifel to it to charity? mabey not all the gift cards but what this that is a guilt inducing thing. get a gift, go ahead, you can have something nice for you can save some dying seal or whatever. but still, i think there would be a nice option. other options or thing i think kind of a solution would be charity gift cards. think back to the slide if it's still up there, charities and activity people like to do. it's a luxury activity. so if i were to give you a gift card that allows you to give to charity, so for example the charity navigation organization has this thing called the good card network for good if i give you of the cards you can go to the website and jews literally a