i loved and, of course, wright brothers i loifd it when wilbur was asked what was the secret, what's had the secret of success as you understand it? he said pick out a good mother and father and grow up in ohio. [laughter] but i -- i hope this doesn't sound pretentious but i've never said it in front of an audience before. but i feel with every project i undertake trying to do something for my country. >> indeed you have. indeed you have. i think you have -- you have taught us about american ingenuity and you've taught us that perhaps even world was smaller back and much more controllable in a sense you see that you see in this -- many this book you see ohio grow from cutler who comes in the first, you know, people to actually go west and establish ohio by the end of the story, by his death there are millions of people in ohio . and that -- that enormous building he had did get off on foot and state and so did whole territory i don't know how many more minutes we have but i want to tell this audience something i'm reading book that's phenomenal it is called silver, silver the sword a