pastor is a respected figure as are his team most of whom have criminal records themselves like wilfred mckay he did his first stint in jail in aged twelve and acquired as first gun when he was fourteen he specialized in armed robbery until he decided to turn his life around. that was my main thought i want to be a daddy for my child that was now ready for change and offers i realize i can be all through the day before this in the streets and that may be there for somebody else or so it's just with the cease fire in place people feel safe to go outside again including children and many of them had grown too scared to go to school today the pastor and his team have arranged a very important meeting. he said if i did one of the local gang bosses to his home the man calls himself the lord and tells us he has no problem being filmed he's eager to emphasize his good relations with the pastor but the police he says don't get much respect here. and then he expresses an opinion you wouldn't expect a hardened criminal to hold. some content if you did. some company they can go to. people but that in th