he was writing a dissertation on his favorite war poet who was wilfred owen. this photograph is marked by burns. you can see scorching. this is the only thing recovered from the house when it was bombed in may of 1945. you go from one more to another. -- one war to another. that is allison and other members of the team. we went to see where this soldier had come from. the two germans were buried here. about 118 miles from where they were found. the germans cannot afford to bury them in a local cemetery. at least they were buried with their comrades. they decided to put up a monument erected at the edge of the field where the men were found. when it was unveiled, the stoodor of the museum with me and said this is the most unusual monument. is it the smallest? no, it's not the smallest. ath two germans and a british soldier on one monument. 100 years later, a reconciliation still takes time. this turned up on ebay of all things. there is a wreath hung in a trench. down there, it says in memory of comrades.allen had that arrived before the archaeology, it would h