(announcement on loupeaker) (speaking spanish)r >> smith: laat night, maritza and wilfredo waited for to take them on a two-day journey to be reunited with a brother living in virginia.on he evening news, the signing of trump's executive order.be >> it' going on for 60 years. 60 years. nobody's taken care of it. nobody's had the political courage to take care of it, but we're going to take care of it.e so weeping families together, at the same time, it continues to be zero tolerance for people that enter our country illegally. >> smith: while maritza and wilfredo may be denied asylum, they aretill together. more than 2,000 other families were not. (man speaking spanish) a few days later, i aveled to el salvador, central america, to visit a father who had been separated from his six-year-old child after crossing into the u.s. illegally. i found him, arnovis guidos portillo, in a tiny village three hours outside the capital. it had been one month since he'd seen his daughter meybelin. (phone dialing) he was calling a shelter in arizona where she was being held. ak (arnovis sg spanish):