colonel lawrence wilkerson, secretary of state to colin powell and professor at the college of willametteuld like you to speak to a moral obligation to help the humanitarian crisis which is unfolding not only because of who isis is doing, but also because of the bombing that has taken place. sort this out for us. >> yes. i think we do -- let me say first, i just can't resist this, ed. you just had former vice president cheney talking about the state of the army. his figures aren't correct, but that's usual with dick, but he's talking about an army and for that matter marine corps, too, that if it's in bad shape, it's in bad shape because he virtually murdered it in iraq for a decade. i just can't get away without saying something about that. the humanitarian crisis -- >> it's interesting, colonel, how the cheneys are always the ones to come out and attack president obama. it's never republican leadership. it's almost as. he's on the assigned mission from the conservative right to be out there first and as furious as he possibly can to make sure the country knows that obama is the problem.