tomorrow, keep it hre now, and we join hucka bealready in you han to any coffee shop, there willan be a group of guys sitting around a table, chatting and you can listen careful they are solving the world's problems. that's true everywhere. even in l.a.. our executive producer woody frazier is in los angeles with a group of guys who come from different backgrounds and they sometimes hang out with him at a local coffee shop there in l.a.. we decided to turn them into our special focus group and let them tell us what they are thinking about the health care bill. woody frazier in california. tell us about you got assembled with you? >> it is an 75° and sunny. >> mike: just like it is in new york woody! >> i know, sorry. everybody here has been griping about the fact that they haven't had a chance -- that the governors were going too long. let me have each one tell you who they are and let's run through it. humberto. >> humberto grey immigration attorney. >> i'm a clinical psychologist. >> i'm a straight conditioning coach. >> i'm an inventor and business owner. >> michael ryan, busine