he was in washington meeting with willard e. mills in arkansas at the time mr.ways and means committee, probably one of the most powerful and influential people in washington. upon being introduced to the president, my friend was struck speechless. he just was stammering and stuttering. at which point the president put his hand on his shoulder and said, it's okay, dan, i always get nervous around him, too. [laughter] >> it's a special honor for me to be here today. i'd like to introduce our special guest, lieutenant government gavin newsome. it (applause) at the thank you. >> also represent state mark malone's office tom ammiano. (applause) * >> all will return momentarily, i'm sure. paul henderson, representing mayor ed lee's office. [laughter] >> and to my right, i have the open house, our state association vice president and i'm sure other names, past president san francisco chapter. we have lots of our membership here including a couple of board members, kerry greenberg from fresno. [speaker not understood] is here. we have two representatives from san mateo