gwen: willbortion or ferility treatments be coved under these bills, he wants to kow? >> aborion, n. fertilitytreatments, that i a good questio. can't say for cerain. i on't even know hat they ave thought a lo about i because generay what congress is trying to do is y that we would ike an independe board mainly of physicians,nurses, etc. to etablish what should be called the basic minimum benefits packa. no if you look out in the private marketpce right now, there are a few insurance plans that covr fertility tretments, not a lot. so if that's a guide, my guess is it prably wouldn't. 's also quite expensiv i don't think it would all under this notion a basic package. gwen: jene,rita from kentucky wants to know wh isn't anyone discussing tort rform as a way of redcing healthcarecosts? >> because it's on brick too many. it would be hardo build. the presidentas acknowledged that lawuits have some ffect n the cost of health care. obviously, the conservatives and republicans d democrats don' agree on what degree. gwen: we eard dick army sayng -- >> theyhrow all kinds number