it was painted by the estranged wife of willem acuna company we all know about and the story behind how that portrait happened to be there is a kind of interesting one and in fact i open my book with it. i would like to share it with you just briefly. she was supposed to paint one portrait for the truman library in independence, commissary and she was chosen because everybody knew that john f. kennedy was too restless to sit for a portrait painter. william walton thought let's get blamed to clinic who was known as the fastest fastest brush in the east and she was supposed to spend one day. she came to palm beach over christmas spent one day. take some charcoal, take some -- and do the portrait. that's not what happened. she stayed for four days and she later explained she became both mesmerized by kennedy's graceful positions of the college athlete his incredible eyes and finally she admitted i fell a teeny bit in love with him. well i would say more than it teeny bit as for the next year all she drew and all she painted was john f. kennedy. she got back to new york and she realized she