state, to the members of their party who are in the delegation from that state, they don't give willey nilly to every candidate that they share their concerns or share their ideas about something. they give in a way that more closely mirrors their own convictions on one question or another. yeah, i think the group of donors that benefits from this is lobbyists. they don't like writing that many checks but they will be asked to write that many. it is an access orienting giving. if it is joint fund lazing and you have to give a large check for that's something they will do. but i think the super pack created the problem. you don't even know who the donors are. sometimes it is a c 4, we don't know where it comes from. so iny there will be a limited number. but i agree that it is a problem. i'm not defending it as a good decision, i am just saying the big big problem is citizen united. let's address this issue in terms of different paces. let's address it in terms of the roberts court. you know this case today is just one of the string of decisions those five justices have issued that have torn