so william alexander percy, he was the brother of charles percy, and william and charles, and two other brothers, were the sons of don carlos percy. charles don carlos percy. .com most percy went to the bahamas around 1776 and pick up some slaves, and some right to some spanish territory. and then he had a son, thomas, i'm sorry, don carlos was actually the grandfather, but don carlos had a son, thomas, he sent into princeton. he graduate from princeton in 1806, and eventually settled in the appalachian foothills to the north of the foothills in the tennessee valley. and during that period of american history, we had a people's president, andrew jackson. now, andrew jackson was the people's president, but the people that he was really concerned about where the white settlers. and his concern was that they should have the lands that belonged to the native americans. and so it was andrew jackson that saw to it that cherokees and choctaws living in the mississippi territory, and that became alabama and mississippi, were shipped east of the mississippi to the lands west of the mississippi.